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Posted on Oct 8, 2013

Values Quotes – Tacitus on Expediency

Todays quote is from Tacitus, a senator and historian of the Roman Empire, who lived around 100 A.D.

A thought-provoking quote from Tacitus is:
“Custom adapts itself to expediency.”

Wise words that highlight the importance of expediency.

As a differentiating value, Expediency means appropriate to a purpose; practical; or being suited to the end in view.

What better place to consider the value of expediency than applying it to our societal customs, which are traditional and widely accepted ways of behaving or doing something. For example, it’s viewed as normal to stand in line to get into an event, like an amusement ride at Disney or the opening of a store offering a huge sale. Or, as it is in most countries, it’s custom to politely greet a stranger before asking for a favor.

Yet, for the sake of expediency, it’s ok to change or adapt our customs.

For instance, you might be able to skip the line altogether if you know somebody on the “inside” who is willing to let you in a different way. And we skip all pleasantries with strangers if there’s an emergency and we need directions to the local hospital.

In other words, what we think of as society customs are not carved in stone. As Tacitus suggested, we adapt our customs based on expediency. What is important is being clear about our purpose, deciding what is practical, and knowing when it’s ok to challenge societal customs.

So, if you’re feeling confined by a particular custom, consider how the value of expediency might help you adapt it to work for you.


Today’s value was selected from the “Pragmatism-Prudence” category, based on the e-book Developing Your Differentiating Values.