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Defining Your Values

FergusonValues people

Define your organization’s values with a facilitator.Robert Consulting serious

Robert Ferguson has been researching values as they pertain to business and non-profit for five years. His interest began while working with Fortune 500 companies and smaller organizations and experiencing a disconcerting lack of cohesive behavior within an organizational culture. After researching the values of Fortune 500 companies, and creating a list of 423 values, he’s come to understand:

Where does acceptable behavior begin?  Within the 17 Common Values.

What differentiates one company against their competitors? Differentiating Values.

What’s the final goal? 3 Core Values from both lists.

Values Image 1 with 3 components

The process to define values – consulting.

Robert consults with companies and organizations in four different ways:

  • Phone Consultation
  • Custom Presentation after researching your company & competitors, with recommendations
  • 1/2 day workshop to facilitate the leadership team in choosing their organization’s values
  • In-depth, detailed assessment including customers, competitors & the industry

If you would like more information or have an idea of a type of consultation which isn’t included in these four options, please contact Robert.

Complete the form below to learn more.

or contact Robert at 919-757-2365

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