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Robert Ferguson provides values-based consulting services in the areas of:

Robert Speaking Library 800x1200 flippedorganizational differentiation 

  • values-based competitive differentiation
  • positioning using values
  • vision & mission crafting using values as a touch-point

marketing with values

  • cause marketing integrating with values
  • insight gathering
  • determining brand essence via values

integrating values into organizational culture

  • hiring clearly – 3 values to hire
  • firing cleanly – 1 value to fire
  • share-holder buy-in strategies

How does Robert work with organizations?

Robert works with organizations in 4 ways:

  • Phone Consultation
  • Custom Presentation after researching your company & competitors, with recommendations
  • 1/2 day workshop to facilitate the leadership team in choosing their organization’s values
  • In-depth, detailed assessment including customers, competitors & the industry

 For More information – or to contact Robert – use the form below

– or connect via telephone: 919-757-2365 or email:


Consulting using Values in Business

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